Phil Cannella Says Don’t Deplete Your Nest egg – Phil Cannella News

Phil Cannella warns to watch for life events

Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella News: Phil Cannella warns us to watch out for life events that may deplete out nest egg unexpectedly and he tells us to protect ourselves against such circumstances happening to us. What Phil Cannella is warning us about is the need for some form of long term care as one ages and the costs inherent with such care can be too much for 99% of our civilization to easily deal with.

Phil Cannella points out we don’t plan for events

Certainly nobody plans to go to a nursing home.  No adult has ever made reservations to go to one, yet all across the country they’re filling up fast.  Baby Boomers are known for refusing to get old and bucking the status quo about age.  Hence, as Phil Cannella points out many do not plan for such an event.

You have to ask yourself, Will you have enough money if you live to be 98 years old?  Can you afford assisted living when you grow too old to take care of yourself?  For how long?  What if you suffer a stroke and need health care coverage immediately?  Without the right retirement mix of products and proper financial structure, you may deplete a lifetime of work in just a few years or even months.

This is why Phil Cannella urges us to consider long term care insurance that can provide for just such an eventuality and will leave your nest egg intact to enjoy for the rest of your life. Phil Cannella offers an education for anyone who comes through his doors on the financial risks of retirement and means to safeguard against them.

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