Phillip Cannella News: Phil Cannella, An Expert on Legacy Planning

Phil Cannella – Phillip Cannella News: Phil Cannella understands that planning for retirement also includes what is known as legacy planning that factors in and provides for what one is leaving behind and for whom. It is not as simple as just making a will. As Phil Cannella explains there are tax implications that need to be considered.

As Phil Cannella puts it: “You can leave a legacy behind and the way to do it is by structuring your IRA accounts in such a way that you guarantee they’ll be handed down to your heirs.  There are options available to you in the second half of your financial life, the Retirement Phase, to help see to it that your legacy will thrive, and when you get right down to it, allow you to control your assets from beyond the grave.”

By leaving a legacy and structuring it correctly, Phil Cannella tells us that you are creating something that will keep you fondly in the memory of your children and perhaps even grandchildren for years and years to come. A financial professional versed in the retirement phase of life can help an individual or couple to create and execute a real retirement plan that includes one’s legacy.